Private Military Training
Parachute Packing Courses
4 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to do Minor repairs on parachutes.
Subjects Covered
Introduction to Minor Repairs
List of components (Hand tools)
Different sewing machines
Sewing machines (Identify components)
Sewing theory
Installing the Needle
Machine maintenance
The Parachute Workshop (Outlay)
Different fabrics
Repair techniques
Seam re-stitching (Round and Square canopies)
Canopy ripstop tape repair
Basic patch (Round and square canopies)
Main line replacement
Control line replacement
Crossport repair
Trim check and retrim
Container grommet replacement
Steering toggle Velcro replacement
Container Velcro replacement
Container Fabric panel repair
Final Evaluation by Master Rigger
Entry Requirements
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must be a Volunteer.
The Learner must have completed the Basic Packing course for Round and Square parachutes.
The Learner must be medically fit
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:4. The number of Learners will depend on the number of parachutes and sewing machines available for repairs.
4 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to Pack and Inspect Round Main and Round Reserve parachutes.
Subjects Covered
Introduction to Packing
Technical data
List of Components
Packing table
Break ties
Packing procedure
Layout of the parachute
Inspection of the parachute
4-line Check
Folding the canopy
Clearing the gores
Folding the corners
Long – Folding the canopy
Break – cord tie
Stowing the canopy
Stowing the suspension lines
Stowing the deployment bag
Closing the pack
The Complete Assembly
Entry Requirements
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must be a Volunteer.
The Learner must be medically fit
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:12. The number of Learners will depend on the number of parachutes and Packing table available for packing.
4 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to Pack and Inspect Square Main and Square Reserve parachutes – Conventional Packing method.
Subjects Covered
Introduction to Packing
Technical data
List of Components
Care and maintenance
Packing procedure
Layout of the parachute
Inspection of the parachute
4-line Check
Folding the canopy
Clearing the stabilizers
Setting Deployment Brakes
Flaking the Tail
Stowing the Slider
Stowing the canopy
Stowing the suspension lines
Placing the bag into the Container
Closing the Container
The Complete Assembly
Entry Requirements
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must be a Volunteer.
The Learner must be medically fit
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:12. The number of Learners will depend on the number of parachutes and Packing table available for packing.
Parachute Courses
5 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to apply all drill during Basic Free Fall Parachuting.
Subjects Covered
Introduction to Free Fall parachuting
Theory of Free Fall
Aircraft Drills
Exit and “Arch” position
Canopy Control
Free Fall Equipment and Instruments
Post Landing Procedures
Parachute Malfunctions
Reserve drills (Cut away harness)
Automatic Activation Device (Vigil/Cypress/Astra)
Aircraft emergencies
Hazardous landings
Free Fall progression (Test 1-15)
Canopy control progression
Practical jumping (30 jumps)
Corrective training after each jump
Revision and consolidation
Final tests (Spin/Track/Half series)
Night jump
Personal Weapon Container Jump
Entry Requirements
The Learner must have completed a Basic Static Line Parachute Jump course.
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must be a Volunteer.
The Learner must be medically fit with a maximum weight of 105kg.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:12. The number of Learners will depend on the number of number of parachutes and the availability of Aircraft.
8 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to facilitate learners in Static Line Round Parachuting.
Subjects Covered
Standard Operating Procedures for Parachuting
The Facilitator
The use of Training Apparatus
Exit Technique
Flight drills
Landing technique
Aircraft drills
Practical Parachute Instruction
Practical Facilitation of all Parachute Lessons
Practical Despatching of Learners
Evaluation of Practical Jumping
Practical Jumping (10 jumps)
Drop Zone Reconnaissance
Practical Drop Zone Procedures
Radio procedures
The effect of Weather on Parachuting
Entry Requirements
The Learner must have completed a Static Line Parachute Jump Masters course.
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must be a Volunteer.
The Learner must be medically fit with a maximum weight of 105kg.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:6. The Instructors Learning programme will presented together with the Basic Static Line Parachuting programme. The number of Learners will depend on the amount of Learners nominated for the Basic Static Line Parachuting Programme and availability of aircraft.
4 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to safely despatch Paratroopers from different aircraft.
Subjects Covered
The Parachute
The use of Training Apparatus
Assimilated Ground Training
Despatching Techniques
Inspection of Paratroopers
Aircraft Inspection and Masking
Paratroopers Jump Briefing
Pilot briefing
Aircraft drills for different aircraft
Standard Operating Procedures for Parachuting
Practical jumping (10 jumps)
Practical despatching from aircraft
Aircraft emergencies
Acting as a Fit Chute NCO
Jumpmaster Administration
Inspection of Personal Weapon container
Inspection of Door bundles
Drop Zone Procedures
Retrieval of Parachutes after jumping
Grouping drills
Entry Requirements
The Learner must have completed a Basic Static Line Parachute Jump course.
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must be a Volunteer.
The Learner must be medically fit with a maximum weight of 105kg.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:6. The Jumpmaster programme will presented together with the Basic Static Line Parachuting programme.
4 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to apply all drills during Basic Round parachuting.
Subjects Covered
The Parachute
The use of training apparatus
Exit technique
Flight drills
Landing technique
Aircraft drills
Harness release and dragging
Fitting and the handling of the Parachute
Parachute emergencies
Practical jumping (6 Day jumps, 1 Night jump, 1 jump with equipment)
Corrective training after each jump
Packing of Personal Weapon container
Packing of Door bundles
Drop Zone procedures
Emergencies all aircraft
Grouping drills
Entry Requirements
The Learner must have completed a Parachute Selection course.
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must be a Volunteer.
The Learner must be medically fit with a maximum weight of 105kg.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:12. The number of learners will depend on the size of the training facility and availability of aircraft.
5 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to teach Military Free Fallers to do Free Fall parachuting.
Subjects Covered
Procedures for Free Fall parachuting
The Free Fall Instructor
Standard Operating Procedures for Free Fall
Theory of Free Fall
Aircraft Drills
Exit and “Arch” position
Canopy control
Free Fall equipment and Instruments
Post landing procedures
Parachute malfunctions
Reserve drills (Cut away harness)
Automatic Activation Device (Vigil/Cypress/Astra)
Aircraft emergencies
Hazardous landings
Free Fall progression (Tests for Instructor)
Pre-declared jumps in a 10m circle (10 jumps)
Practical Instruction (All subjects)
Practical jumps (30 jumps)
Evaluation and debriefing of learners
Corrective training after each jump
Supervision in the aircraft
Effects of weather on parachuting
Practical spotting and despatching
Night spotting and despatching
Entry Requirements
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must be a Static Line Parachute Instructor.
The Learner must be a Free Fall Jumpmaster.
The Learner must have a minimum of 300 Free Fall jumps.
The Learner must be a Volunteer.
The Learner must be medically fit with a maximum weight of 105kg.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:2. The number of Learners will depend on the number of parachutes available and availability of aircraft. This programme must be presented during the Basic Free Fall Parachuting learning programme.
5 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to inspect and despatch Military Free Fallers from aircraft.
Subjects Covered
Introduction to Free Fall parachuting
Theory of Free Fall
Aircraft drills
Exit and “Arch” position
Canopy control
Free Fall equipment and Instruments
Post Landing procedures
Parachute malfunctions
Reserve drills (Cut away harness)
Automatic Activation Device (Vigil/Cypress/Astra)
Aircraft emergencies
Hazardous landings
Free Fall progression (Tests for Jumpaster)
Practical jumps (30 jumps)
Pre-declared jumps in a 10m circle (10 jumps)
Inspection of Free Fallers
Aircraft inspection and masking
Corrective training after each jump
Spotting (Determine the Release point)
Effect of weather on parachuting
Practical spotting and despatching
Night spotting and despatching
Practical packing of parachutes
Entry Requirements
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must be a Static Line Jumpmaster.
The Learner must be a Military Free Fall Qualified.
The Learner must have a minimum of 150 Free Fall jumps and be able to demonstrate all the Basic Free Fall tests.
The Learner must be a Volunteer.
The Learner must be medically fit with a maximum weight of 105kg.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:4. The number of Learners will depend on the number of parachutes available and availability of aircraft. This programme must be presented during the Basic Free Fall Parachuting learning programme.
4 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to control Drop Zones during para trooping.
Subjects Covered
Procedures for Static Line parachuting
Drop Zone orders
Map Reading and Navigation
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Selection of Drop Zones
Reconnaissance of Drop Zones
Drop Zone Ground Signals
Parachute Drop Control Methods
Drop Zone Recording and Administration
Final Pilot’s Briefing
Drop Zone Criteria
Drop Zone Safety Officer’s responsibilities
Drop Zone Safety Officer’s Equipment
Practical jumping (6 jumps)
Radio procedures
Practical Command and Control of Drop Zones
Control Drop Zones at Night
Entry Requirements
The Learner must have completed a Basic Static Line Parachute Jump course.
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must be a Volunteer.
The Learner must be medically fit.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:6. The Drop Zone Safety Officer’s Learning programme will be presented during the Basic Static Line Parachuting Learning programme.
2 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to apply the Basic Parachute Drills during ejection from the aircraft.
Subjects Covered
The Parachute
The Use of Training Apparatus
Flight drills
Landing Technique
Practical Jumping (2 Jumps)
Corrective Training after each jump
Entry Requirements
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must have completed the Military Pilot Learning programme.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:12. The number of Learners will depend on the size of the Training facility and the availability of aircraft.
5 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to apply all drills during High Altitude Parachute jumps.
Subjects Covered
Introduction to High Altitude parachuting
HALO/HAHO parachuting (theory)
Standard Operating Procedures for HALO/HAHO
Classification of heights with the use of oxygen
General Rules and Regulations
Medical guidelines
Oxygen equipment
Principles of Operation
Parachute Malfunctions
Reserve drills (Cut away harness)
Free Fall instruments
Automatic Activation Device (Vigil/Cypress/Astra)
HALO/HAHO aircraft drills
Oxygen emergencies in the Aircraft
Oxygen emergencies during Free Fall
Navigation equipment for HALO/HAHO
Practical jumps (HALO x 10), Team jumps – 1 night
Practical jumps (HAHO x 10), Team jumps – 1 night
Advanced Canopy control
Evaluation and debriefing of learners
Corrective training after each jump
Practical packing of parachutes
Entry Requirements
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must be a Military Free Faller.
The Learner must have passed the Basic Free Fall tests.
The Learner must have a minimum of 100 Free Fall jumps.
The Learner must be a Volunteer.
The Learner must be medically fit with a maximum weight of 105kg.
The Learner must have passed a Flight Medical Examination.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:6. The number of Learners will depend on the number of parachutes, Oxygen equipment and availability of aircraft. The type of aircraft will determine the Exit altitude of the High Altitude jumps.
5 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to apply all drills during High Altitude Parachute jumps.
Subjects Covered
Introduction to High Altitude parachuting
HALO/HAHO parachuting (theory)
Standard Operating Procedures for HALO/HAHO
Classification of heights with the use of oxygen
General Rules and Regulations
Medical guidelines
Oxygen equipment
Principles of Operation
Parachute Malfunctions
Reserve drills (Cut away harness)
Free Fall instruments
Automatic Activation Device (Vigil/Cypress/Astra)
HALO/HAHO aircraft drills
Oxygen emergencies in the Aircraft
Oxygen emergencies during Free Fall
Navigation equipment for HALO/HAHO
Practical jumps (HALO x 10), Team jumps – 1 night
Practical jumps (HAHO x 10), Team jumps – 1 night
Advanced Canopy control
Evaluation and debriefing of learners
Corrective training after each jump
Practical packing of parachutes
Entry Requirements
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must be a Military Free Faller.
The Learner must have passed the Basic Free Fall tests.
The Learner must have a minimum of 100 Free Fall jumps.
The Learner must be a Volunteer.
The Learner must be medically fit with a maximum weight of 105kg.
The Learner must have passed a Flight Medical Examination.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:6. The number of Learners will depend on the number of parachutes, Oxygen equipment and availability of aircraft. The type of aircraft will determine the Exit altitude of the High Altitude jumps.
4 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to Inspect and Despatch Learners during High Altitude Parachute Operations.
Subjects Covered
Introduction to High Altitude Parachuting
HALO/HAHO parachuting
Standard Operating Procedures for HALO/HAHO
Classification of Heights with the use of Oxygen
General Rules and Regulations
Medical Guidelines
Oxygen equipment
Principles of Operation
Parachute Malfunctions
Reserve Drills (Cut Away Harness)
Free Fall Instruments
Automatic Activation Device (Vigil/Cypress/Astra)
HALO/HAHO Aircraft drills
Oxygen Emergencies in the Aircraft
Oxygen Emergencies during Free Fall
Hand signals during Aircraft drills
Briefing of Aircrew
Briefing of Jumpers
Practical Jumps (5 HAHO and 5 HALO)
Practical despatching
Evaluation and debriefing of Learners
Corrective Training after each
Practical packing of parachutes
Entry Requirements
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must have passed a Flight Medical Examination.
The Learner must be a Free Fall Jumpmaster.
The Learner must have a minimum of 400 Free Fall jumps.
The Learner must be a Volunteer.
The Learner must be medically fit with a maximum weight of 105kg.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:3. The number of Learners will depend on the amount of Parachutes, Oxygen equipment and the availability of aircraft. The type of aircraft will determine the Exit Altitude of the High Altitude jumps.
3 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Program is to Equip the Learner with the necessary Knowledge and
Skills to apply all Drills during Advanced Static Line Parachuting
Subjects Covered
Theory of Free Fall
Aircraft Drills
Exit and “Arch” Position
Aircraft Emergencies
Hazardous Landings
Practical Jumping – 10 Jumps (Day Time)
Corrective Training after each Jump
Canopy Control
Free Fall Equipment and Instruments
Post Landing Procedures
Parachute Malfunctions
Reserve Drills (Cut Away Harness)
Automatic Activation Device (Vigil/Cypress/Astra)
Revision and Consolidation
Night Jump (1 Jump)
Personal Weapon Container (1 Jump)
Entry Requirements
The Learner must have completed a Basic Parachute Jump Course
The Learner must be Proficient in English
The Learner must be a Volunteer
The Learner must be Medically Fit and a Maximum Weight of 105kg is allowed
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:12. The Amount of Learners will depend on the
Amount of Parachutes and the Availability of Aircraft.
4 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to support High Altitude Parachute Operations with Oxygen related equipment.
Subjects Covered
Introduction to High Altitude Parachuting
HALO/HAHO parachuting
Standard Operating Procedures for HALO/HAHO
Classification of Heights with the use of Oxygen
General Rules and Regulations
Medical Guidelines
Oxygen equipment
Principles of Operation
Parachute Malfunctions
Reserve Drills (Cut Away Harness)
Free Fall Instruments
Automatic Activation Device (Vigil/Cypress/Astra)
HALO/HAHO Aircraft drills
Oxygen Emergencies in the Aircraft
Oxygen Emergencies during Free Fall
Hand signals during Aircraft drills
Practical Oxygen monitoring
Practical Oxygen refilling
Evaluation and debriefing of Learners
Corrective Training after each
Practical packing of parachutes
Entry Requirements
The Learner must be a Parachute Rigger.
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must have passed a Flight Medical Examination.
The Learner must be a Volunteer.
The Learner must be medically fit.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:3. The number of Learners will depend on the amount of Parachutes, Oxygen equipment and the availability of aircraft.
Basic Airborne Soldiers Courses
4 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Program is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to be utilized as Company 2IC or Company Commander in a Parachute Regiment or Battalion.
Subjects Covered
Code of Conduct
Coy Administration
Law of Armed Conflict/Rules of Engagement
Ops Room Procedures
Operational Staff Work
Deployment Drills
Area Operations
Battle Appreciations
Verbal Orders
Entry Requirements
The learner must be Proficient in English.
The learner must have Completed Basic Training, Platoon Weapons, Section Leading as well as being Parachute Qualified.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:20.
4 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Program is to equip the Learner with the neccessary Knowledge and Skills to be Utilized as Paratrooper Company Sergeant Major and Company Quarter Master in a Parachute Regiment or Batallion
Subjects Covered
Regimental Aspects
Basic QM Subjects
Map Reading and Navigation
Building a Field Base
Planning Exercises (Field Shooting, Unit / Company Exercises, etc)
Replenishment on the Battle Field
Entry Requirements
The Learner must be Proficient in English
Learner must have Completed Basic Training, Platoon Weapons, Section Leading as well as being Parachute Qualified
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:20
8 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Program is to equip the Learner with the necessary Knowledge and
Skills to be Utilized as a Pathfinder in a Parachute Regiment or Batallion
Subjects Covered
Pathfinder Selection
Bush Craft, Tracking and Survival
Escape and Evasion
Minor Tactics
Basic Photography
Basic Signals
DZSO (Drop Zone Safety Officer)
Helicopter and Fixed Wing Landing Zones
Entry Requirements
The Learner must be Proficient in English
The Learner must have completed the Paratrooper Pre Selection and Selection
Course, the Basic Static Line Parachuting Course and the Basic Free Fall Parachuting Course
The learner must be medically fit
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:8
3 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to apply all the different Platoon Weapons effectively in Operational circumstances.
Subjects Covered
Grenade Launchers
Assault Rifles and Pistols
Hand grenades
Light Machine guns
Patrol mortars
Rocket Propelled Grenades
Entry Requirements
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must have completed the Basic Training Learning programme, Parachute Selection and Basic Static Line Jump Course.
The Learner must be medically fit.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:30.
8 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to pass the Parachute Selection and to be utilized as a Paratrooper.
Subjects Covered
Paratrooper Basic Training and Discipline
Field Craft
Map Reading and Navigation (without GPS)
Physical Training
Parachute Selection
Entry Requirements
The Learner must be Proficient in English (Read, write and speak).
The Learner must have completed the Basic Training programme.
The Learner must be medically fit.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:30.
3 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to apply all drills during Advanced Static Line parachuting.
Subjects Covered
Introduction to Free Fall parachuting.
Theory of Free Fall.
Aircraft Drills.
Exit and “Arch” position.
Canopy control.
Free Fall equipment and Instruments.
Post Landing procedures.
Parachute Malfunctions.
Reserve Drills (Cut away harness).
Automatic Activation Device (Vigil/Cypress/Astra).
Aircraft Emergencies.
Hazardous Landings.
Practical Jumping – 10 Jumps (Day/Time).
Corrective Training after each jump.
Revision and Consolidation.
Night Jump (1 Jump).
Personal Weapon Container (1 Jump).
Entry Requirements
The Learner must have completed a Basic Parachute Jump course.
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must be a Volunteer.
The Learner must be medically fit and have maximum weight of 105kg is allowed.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:12. The number of Learners will depend on the number of number of parachutes and the availability of Aircraft.
4 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to be utilized effectively in Rural Operational Theatres of war.
Subjects Covered
Concept of Area Defence
Legal Aspects
Ground/Air Co-operation
Mine Warfare
Border Control Operations
Area Operations
Follow-up Operations
Rural Patrols
Observation posts
Temporary Bases
Ambush techniques
Planning/Preparation of Ambushes
Police/Army Co-operation
Entry Requirements
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must have completed the Basic Training, Platoon Weapons, Section Leading, Parachute Selection and the Basic Static Line Parachute Jump course.
The Learner must be medically fit.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:30.
3 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to be utilized effectively in Urban Operational Theatres of War.
Subjects Covered
Legal Aspects
Collection of Intelligence
Handling Suspects
Urban Patrols
Pedestrian Control Points
Road Blocks
Cordon and Search
Crowd Control
House Clearing
Entry Requirements
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must have completed the Basic Training, Platoon Weapons, Section Leading, Parachute Selection, the Basic Static Line Parachute Jump Course and COIN Rural Training Programme.
The Learner must be medically fit.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:20.
Advanced Airborne Soldiers Courses
2 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to be deployed as an Officer or NCO in the Airborne Environment.
Subjects Covered
Airborne Operations
Guidelines for Deployment of Airborne Forces
Execution of Airborne Operations
Command and Control
Integration during Operations
Command Operations
Battle Control
Fire Support Co-ordination and Safety
Staging – Parachute Operations
Air Movement – Parachute Operations
Landing Plan – Parachute Operations
Ground Tactical Plan – Parachute Operations
Link-up and Withdrawal – Parachute Operations
Introduction and History – Fixed Wing Operations
Battle Handling – Fixed Wing Operations
Command and Control – Fixed Wing Operations
Execution Drills and Procedures – Fixed Wing Operations
Special Forces and Pathfinder Co-operation
Introduction to Pathfinder Planning
Command and Control – Pathfinder Planning
Battle Handling – Pathfinders
Entry Requirements
The learner must be Proficient in English.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:20.
4 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to effectively work with the Air Force in Operational and Training circumstances.
Subjects Covered
Introduction to Airborne Operations
Support by other Airborne Organisations
Helicopter Assault Operations
Fixed Wing Assault Operations
Parachute Assault Operations
Parachute Drop Zones (practical)
Helicopter and Fixed Wing Landing Zones (Practical)
Operational Air Supply (Practical)
Parachute Jumps (Practical)
Pathfinder Operations (Practical)
Fast Roping and Rappelling (Practical)
Entry Requirements
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must have completed the Basic Commando Operators Course.
The Learner must be medically fit.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:10.
36 Months for all Courses/Individual Course Dependant
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to be utilized as a Specialist Commando Operator.
Subjects Covered
Advanced Signals
Small Boats (Kayaks)
Combat Photography
Sharp Shooter/Sniping
Advanced Demolitions
Advanced Urban
Basic Swimming
Combat Swimming
Scuba Diving
Attack Diving
Commando Team Leaders
Basic Mountaineering
Fast Roping and Rappelling
Advanced 4 x 4 Driver Skills
Entry Requirements
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must have completed the Basic Commando Operators Course.
The Learner must be medically fit.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:10.
9 Months
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to be utilized as a Commando Operator.
Subjects Covered
Pre-Selection and Selection
Bush craft, Tracking and Survival
Escape and Evasion
Minor Tactics
Kayak Handling
Basic Photography
Basic Signals
Basic Urban
Basic Demolitions
Entry Requirements
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must have completed the Paratrooper Pre-Selection and Selection Course and the Basic Static Line Parachute Jump Course.
The Learner must be medically fit.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:8.
Air Supply
5 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to safely Air Supply Light to Medium Cargo by means of Parachute.
Subjects Covered
The Concept of Air Supply
Reasons for Air Supply
Characteristics of Air Supply
Principles of Air Supply
Requirements of Air Supply
Factors that influence Air Supply
Methods of Air Supply
Types of Cargo Parachutes
The Description of Aircraft
Air Supply Teams Safety Equipment
Apr Supply Teams Survival Equipment
Loading of Aircraft
Aircraft Drills during Air Supply
Aircraft Emergencies during Air Supply
Airfield Discipline
Procedures and Rules during Despatching
Air Supply documentation
Air Supply Drop Zones
Packing of Cargo parachutes
Container Delivery System (light)
Container Delivery System (medium)
Entry Requirements
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must have completed the Round and Square parachute packing course.
The Learner must be a Volunteer.
The Learner must be medically fit.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:6. The number of Learners will depend on the number of number of parachutes, cargo equipment and the availability of Aircraft.
Military Drivers’ Courses
4 Weeks
Learning Program Purpose
The Aim of the Programme is to equip the Learner with the necessary knowledge and Skills to handle a vehicle in off-road conditions.
Subjects Covered
Introduction to Four-wheel drive vehicles
Maintenance of 4 x 4 Vehicles
Using Four-wheel drive transmissions/vehicles
Recovery techniques
Practical driving
GPS Training
Entry Requirements
The Learner must be Proficient in English.
The Learner must have a valid Driver’s licence and at least one year’s practical driving experience.
The Learner must be medically fit.
The Learner must have completed a course in Map Reading and Navigation.
Minimum Candidates
The Instructor Student Ratio will be 1:10.